Danmark flag

By | October 3, 2016

The Flag of Denmark is red with a white Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side. Danmarks flag kaldes for Dannebrog, hvad der betyder danernes fane eller. Han førte præster dertil fra Danmark og byggede Reval, der nu er en vigtig by og .

List_of_Danish_flagsBufretLignendeOversett denne sidenThe following is a list of flags of Denmark. National flag and State flag; Historical; Royal flags; Historical Royal flags; Military flag . The flag for Denmark, which may show as the letters DK on some platforms. The Denmark emoji is a sequence of the Regional Indicator Symbol . Unofficial PMS matches recommended by the Denmark-Samfundet, a private society promoting use of the flag: -National flag (rectangular flag): . Reglerne om flagning fremgår ikke af en samlet lov, men findes derimod spredt i en række forskellige forskrifter. Dannebrog kan se ud på forskellige måder.

Geographical and political facts, flags and ensigns of Denmark. Kjøp Danmark Flag for bare 5NOK! Pantone: 186C; PMS: 186; CMYK: C M1 Y K; RGB: 19148; HEX: #C60C30.

Flag of Denmark with information including details about the state of Denmark. You will also learn the position and neighboring countries.