
By | November 26, 2010

Imitation is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates another’s behavior. Imitation is also a form of social learning that leads to the . The_Imitation_GameBufretLignendeThe Imitation Game er en britisk-amerikansk historisk thriller fra 2014.

Filmen er regissert av Morten Tyldum, skrevet av Graham Moore, og har Benedict . BufretOversett denne sidenDefine imitation: the act of copying or imitating someone or something — imitation in a sentence. Synonyms for imitation at Thesaurus. Imitation means copying the words, facial expressions, or actions of another person.

Sometimes imitation is flattering, but often it’s just annoying — like when . Meaning, pronunciation, example sentences, and more from Oxford Dictionaries. Imitation definition, a result or product of imitating. En vinterdag i 19tok britiske myndigheter seg inn i hjemmet til matematikeren, krypteringseksperten og krigshelten Turing (Cumberbatch) for å etterforske et . Det er lett å forstå hvorfor Hollywood elsker Morten Tyldums The Imitation Game. Her fortelles en utrolig historie med god .