The highest temperature that has ever been recorded for April in Majorca is 29°C, with the lowest ever temperature being -1°C. Apollo flyr deg til flere reisemål på Mallorca – deriblant Alcudia og Palma de Mallorca! Dagtemperatur 17°c, Nattetemperatur 13°c, Vanntemperatur 15°c .
Get Palma, Spain typical April Weather including average and record temperatures from AccuWeather. Alt du trenger å vite om vær, klima, temperatur, nedbør, soltimer og mye annet i Mallorca i Spania. The average high temperature in Majorca during April is 19ºC, which is warm enough to spend long days at the beach or sunbathing by the pool.
I am thinking of going to Majorca in mid April but I am not sure what expect of.
I find this climate guide for travel is quite useful if you select a . Været som varPalma de Mallorca, Balearene (Spania). Tabellvisning for temperatur og nedbør per måned. At Palma de Mallorca Airport, the month of April is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing by 5°F, from 65°F to 70°F over the . Palma de Mallorca, Spain April average sea temperature.
Første uken var det akkurat passe varmt, deilig temperatur, men litt kjølig (ta på genser) på kvelden. Andre uken var det juli-temperatur der .