Ingress map

By | June 24, 2015

The world around you is not what it seems. Our future is at stake and you must choose a side.

Join my faction in Ingress – a global game of mystery, intrigue and . Ingress Intel Map; Historical Marker Map; USA Census Density Map; World Density Map (High-Level); World Density Map (Mid-Level); Europe Density Map . IITC is a browser add-on that modifies the Ingress intel map.

It is faster than the standard site, and offers many . The best way to locate these portals is going to be using the intel map. However, it is very time consuming using the intel map to find low level portals as you . Much of that information is accessible through the Ingress website, which houses a gigantic global intel map pointing to notable spots around . If you want to dominate the world of Pokémon Go, it can’t hurt to put this map to use in order to find prime hunting locations.